
Body Corporate Reserve Fund: A Comprehensive Guide for Sectional Title Owners

What is a body corporate reserve fund? A body corporate’s reserve fund is a designated pool of money set aside by a collective ownership entity, to cover future expenses related to maintenance, repairs, and replacement of common property or shared assets. The reserve fund is typically funded by contributions from the individual owners in the […]


How to create a 10-Year Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Plan

The reserve fund, admin fund and levies all play an important role in creating a successful and sustainable 10-year maintenance, repair and replacement plan for bodies corporate and homeowners’ associations.  The admin fund is used for day-to-day expenses such as repairs and maintenance, while the reserve fund is set aside for major expenses that are […]


Body Corporate Admin Fund: A Comprehensive Guide for Sectional Title Owners

Sectional title ownership comes with the responsibility of maintaining and managing the common property within the scheme. This shared responsibility falls under the purview of the body corporate, an organization elected by the owners to oversee the shared property’s upkeep. This includes preparing a 10-year maintenance, repair and replacement plan to ensure that the property […]


Why it is critical to keep your sectional plans up to date

What owners often do not realise is that all structural additions and extensions have to be approved, first by the body corporate (STSM Reg 30), and then by the municipality. Following construction, the alteration must then be verified by a land surveyor and approved by the Surveyor-General to make the amendments to the sectional plan official.